the LPN holiday party 2007
Ah, Hank's Franks = a genuine community cultural asset-- not. So excited it's finally open.
Since there was no agenda items, I took to eavesdropping conversations. Actually, I'm not going to call it eavesdropping when some intoxicated asshole is screaming obnoxiously in your ear in a public place. There were a few typical;y ironic, moderately interesting images and moments (perhaps more enjoyable if you hate LPN already, which I know you do).
Drunken shouted conversation between an employee from Assemblyman Mark Leno's staff and a LPN party-goer, where the former said, "Yes I live in the neighborhood... We continue pushing forward... We will have marriage equality in California."
Framed young Frank Sinatra mug shot poster, just like the kind you'd get from Fisherman's Wharf, hung on the wall opposite the main entrance. (Is this the kinds of criminals LPN likes? Gangsta! Gangsta!)
Reverend Dr. Wilfried Glabach of the nearly finished First Congregational Church on the 1300 block of Van Ness pouring bottled [POPULAR BEER CORPORATION BRAND NAME SUPPRESSED] into a plastic trapezoidal shot cup, both possibly from [BIG BOX MEMBERSHIP-BASED DISCOUNT WAREHOUSE CHAIN STORE NAME SUPPRESSED] and evidently staples of the party-hosting establishment during its business hours.
According to David Chiu, Larkin Street Youth Services "clients" flier for LPN every two weeks.
Supervisor Sandoval standing close to the door near the end of his standoffish semi-official political presence routine declaring the cliche one generally uses for such perfunctory occasions, "There's more power here than all of City Hall!"